Alegria Fair Trade & Adventures
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Why the Women Empowered Market Matters
The Women Empowered Market was founded to provide opportunities to local and global women entrepreneurs and programs working with women, work toward economic justice and fair wages, and offer meaningful goods and services to shoppers. -
Justice Takes Sacrifice
The world is broken, we know for sure. If there was any question, 2020 has proven that – a worldwide pandemic, senseless killings of our black a... -
Back to Mexico: Dream Bigger
Twenty years after a trip to Mexico City peaked my interest in global poverty and causes, I return again for a social impact training kickoff, and life feels full-circle. It's a good time to dream bigger and look ahead to the future. -
Shopping for the Long Game: Local, Fair, Eco
We are in this for the Long Game. Whether you know it or not, you’re involved in choices each day that matter for the longer term. A few examp... -
Rana Plaza Anniversary: Can Beauty & Hardship Coexist?
My boxes and lines used to be a lot cleaner. The good stuff in life fits in one space. The bad stuff goes over there. The two do not overlap. Y... -
3 Easy Ways to Start Conscious Consuming
Are you overwhelmed by too many choices and messages about your shopping? You would like to make an impact, but the buzzwords are too many: Org... -
Economic Empowerment Fights Poverty
When we shop with purpose and choose products that care for the makers, more people have fair and living wages in their jobs. When we empower p... -
What if Fair Trade matters?
Fair Trade Matters. What these global friends need most is our solidarity. Our investment in what matters in their region. Our commitment to provide a market where they can run their businesses. And that creates opportunity. More.
The Scandal of Traveling Solo
These are some things I have noticed when I travel alone. People will think you are exciting. Some will think you are a hero. And/or think you're... -
Coffee With the Farmers
A visit to a coffee farm in Guatemala, and drinking coffee with the farmers.